September Horoscopes

September is a time to shift gears. Virgo season is always about change, the mutable Earth sign knows that fall is fast approaching which means winter is around the corner and there is much to do to prepare. This summer we’ve been looking in the rear view mirror while we navigate in reverse with two personal planets, Venus and Mercury, retrograde. In September, we get to shift our attention to what’s happening in front of us as these planets start moving forward again. 

Only the luminaries (lights of the sky - the Sun and the Moon) change signs in September, as they do every month. This imbues September with some energetic consistency but three planets: Venus, Jupiter and Mercury all change direction thus changing our focus throughout the month. Venus, the planet of love, attraction, beauty and negotiation, ends her retrograde on September 3rd at 12 degrees Leo. Venus has been on an underworld journey since July 22nd and disappeared from the sky as she moved closer to the purifying and concealing rays of the Sun. Now she has emerged from the underworld and been reborn as the morning star. We similarly have been on a journey, getting intimate with our heart’s hidden desires and renegotiating relationship dynamics to be in alignment with those desires. Leaving the underworld usually requires some sort of sacrifice. What have released or compromised since the end of July? Where do you feel reborn?

Jupiter, the planet of growth and our belief system, stations retrograde on September 4th at 15 degrees Taurus, just a day after Venus’ retrograde ends. Curiously, Jupiter will revisit the exact same path through Taurus that Mercury took earlier this year during its spring retrograde (4/21/23-5/14/23). I imagine that as Jupiter spends the next four months traversing Mercury’s footsteps there will be some echoes from the events of this spring. This is one of the reasons why I love astrology - the planets are always dancing and sometimes there is repetition in the choreography. While Mercury’s retrograde through Taurus brought a mental and material untangling of facts, logistics and resources, Jupiter’s retrograde will show us what beliefs and ideals underly those very facts, logistics and resources. The motivations that undergirded any decisions made during that time will be up for review. How do we feel about the way things are playing out? Did the events of the spring bring us more of what we want and if not, how can we course correct during the rest of the year to get it?

Mercury, the planet of communication, travel, technology and friendship, finally stations direct on September 15th at 8 degrees Virgo. Normally Mercury is very efficient and attuned to detail in Virgo, the sign that it rules and exalts in. However, during this retrograde the multitasking may have led to mistakes, computer glitches caused repeated work, and words didn't quite land the way we meant them. Once Mercury is moving forward again, we can take all these missteps and goofs and use them to make systemic improvements. And that is the superpower of Mercury in Virgo! For the first half of the month however, much patience and grace is needed to allay perfectionist tendencies gone awry. 

The day before Mercury stations direct, the Virgo new moon makes its harvest basket available for holding the seeds of your intentions on the 14th at 6:39pm Pacific time. This new moon is getting a high five from Uranus, the planet of disruption and innovation, so it is a great time to call in support for starting new routines or habits that could radically shift your life through small daily practices. Virgo likes to keep it simple and practical so that it’s actually doable and even better if its something quantifiable so you can track your progress. 

These horoscopes are written for your rising sign and I trust that you are your own spiritual authority so read whatever you want!


It feels like you’ve been spinning in circles and everyone is speaking nonsense this month (more so than usual). That will start to turn around after your ruling planet Mercury stations direct on 9/15 and by the end of the month, your message starts landing. In the meantime, practice grace and patience with yourself as it takes extra time to double check all those crossed t’s and dotted i’s. Whenever your birthday falls during Virgo season, you can use the Virgo new moon on 9/14 as a bonus birthday wish. Tell the Universe what you want (what you really, really want) and work on your willingness to recognize it and receive it. 


Venus, your ruling planet, has been shaking up your social circles all summer and for such a relationship oriented person, this hasn’t been easy. If you’ve been taking these relationship shifts personally, use this new moon to spend some time with yourself, alone. Really, like with no one else. Get clear on what you have to offer and what solid friendship feels like to you. Then you can reach out with gratitude to the folks who offer that and strengthen the connections that survived this Venus retrograde.


If you’ve been feeling internally conflicted about your work in the world, the last couple months have made that struggle more public. This is uncomfortable for someone like you, who prefers to keep things under wraps until you’re ready to talk about it. When Mercury goes direct on 9/15, you can look to your friends and networks to help guide you into the next right step. Start asking around, that dream job may be a lot closer than you realize. 


Your ruling planet Jupiter is going retrograde in the part of your chart related to chores, day jobs, coworkers and routines. Jupiter will amplify any part of your day-to-day routine that is not serving you and ask you to replace it with something you believe in and feels good to your future self. Work will continue to be wonky until the middle of the month when Mercury goes direct, hang in there my centaur friend!


Venus has been calling your attention to your entanglements and collaborations - what have you learned about how you work with others? What changes for you when money is involved? This part of the chart shows us that sometimes we have to lose something in order to gain- Venus asks you if it was worth it. Your answer holds the key to how you approach future collaborations and investments.


Your close relationships have been demanding much of your attention this summer, challenging your self-perception and asking you, “Where is your heart?” The answer may have brought some clarity and decisions about which relationships you want to continue pouring yourself into. This will free up some space as you feel a pull to focus more on family and your home for the rest of the year. 


While Venus has been reworking your relationship to work, this month you may finally feel like you are starting to get some traction in your projects again. Your close relationships are prone to miscommunications, especially around logistics so maybe call instead of text. Your ruling planet Jupiter is going retrograde in part of your chart that corresponds to communication, short trips, and your neighborhood. If you aren’t feeling uplifted by these parts of your life, the rest of the year will show you what needs to shift. 


Venus has been teaching you about joy and pleasure this summer, what have you learned about your body’s capacity to feel good? If you’d like to incorporate more of these practices into your everyday life, the Virgo new moon is a great time to initiate a new schedule or routine, especially one that prioritizes play. 


Your ruling planet Venus has been swirling at your roots, bringing your attention to literal and metaphorical rooms that need redecorating. How does your home reflect who you are? Can you see yourself in the art, the colors and the coziness of it all? If you felt like there wasn’t space to be yourself in your family growing up, how are you giving yourself that space now? Jupiter’s retrograde station in your first house invites you to slow down and settle into the introspection coming this fall. 


Your ruling planet Mercury is still retrograde for half the month, causing some mishaps at home or with family (did someone actually cry over spilt milk?). Venus’ retrograde has brought you a masterclass in communicating your needs with grace so you can start to apply those skills in these sticky situations.


Venus just swept through your closets and asked you “how important is it?” for every little knick knack and jacket. Letting go can be difficult for the crab, its claws are designed to hold on but this Venus retrograde asked you to create space. Your financial flow may start to turn around after Venus goes direct and then you can go buy more trinkets!


Phew, you made it through the underworld and are reborn as fabulous as ever! Venus’ retrograde taught you how to call attention to yourself and own the spotlight so that the rest of us can receive your gifts. Whatever you did to treat yourself during this Venus retrograde will need to be financially reconciled while Mercury is still retrograde in your house of finances. 


October Horoscopes