April Horoscopes
“I like my shadow. It reminds me that I exist”
-Mehmet Murat Ildan
April is full of challenging transits, which means it is also ripe for breakthroughs. There’s a total solar eclipse conjunct Chiron on the 8th and several other important conjunctions this month – Mars and Saturn (the two “bad guys”) on the 10th, Mercury and Chiron (the Messenger and the Wounded Healer) on the 15th, and Jupiter and Uranus (the Giver and the Wild Card) on the 20th. When two planets come together in a conjunction, their energies fuse and mingle and it starts off a new cycle in their relationship to one another. Spoiler alert: astrology is fundamentally about relationships. The planets’ relationships to one another impacts our relationships to ourselves and each other. Which is why I want to focus on Chiron this month.
Chiron is both a minor planet and a comet that orbits (usually) between Saturn and Uranus. It was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was shot in the hoof with a poison arrow, which sent him on a journey to find relief for his chronic pain. He never cured himself but became a renowned teacher in the healing arts, thus earning him the title of Wounded Healer. Astrologically, your natal Chiron indicates some wounding or trauma you experienced earlier in life which gets activated by transits to your natal Chiron or from Chiron to other natal placements. Each activation is an opportunity to heal. What do I mean by that? Healing is not about perfection or being at peace all the time. Chironic healing is about stopping the cycle of harm - recognizing you have options and choosing not to hurt yourself or others. It might not feel “good” in the moment, healing can be painful too. But as time passes, you will notice a difference in your self worth and how you allow others to treat you. And that is what’s on offer for each of us this month with Chiron.
Chiron notably shares the obscured spotlight with the solar eclipse on the 8th. A solar eclipse is like a super charged new moon, and this one is getting a lot of attention because it will be a total eclipse visible across the US. Our ancestors feared eclipses because they disrupted both natural and mundane affairs. Can you imagine the Sun going dark and not understanding why? Eclipses obscure and reveal. They bring endings and beginnings, often at the same time. With Chiron playing a key role in this Aries solar eclipse, there is the chance to rewrite the stories you have about yourself and practice interdependence. Do you usually hide your pain out of self protection? This eclipse will feel like a push to get vulnerable, risk being seen, and ask for support. You don’t have to do it all alone. Aries is touted for its independence and leadership but this trait gets twisted by a white supremacy culture that values hyper-individualism over the collective.
The tenderness in practicing new ways of speaking up for yourself continues as Chiron and Mercury dance together. They first met up on March 20th and then after Mercury goes retrograde on April 1st, the fleet-footed and tender-hoofed come together again on the 15th. Their tango together concludes on May 5th when Mercury is direct again. Chiron and Mercury in Aries know that the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is total BS. Words are immeasurably powerful and can reshape a person. And what is left unsaid can be just as hurtful. Around these dates everyone is likely to feel extra sensitive and more prone to taking communication personally. Or words may come out more sharply than intended. Offer grace and space to yourself and others.
Here’s your ‘scopes!
Written for your rising sign, you can read for any of your placements.
You’re in the midst of a big personal transformation as the eclipses take turns churning your self image and close relationships for the next year. This solar eclipse on the 8th might leave you feeling quite raw and vulnerable, like a big squishy caterpillar. It’s ok to zip up into a chrysalis and protect yourself while you undergo these changes. Practice privacy so that you can let your desire and imagination get to work on crafting You 2.0 without having to manage everyone else’s projections. You do you, boo. The full moon on the 23rd casts a spotlight on what you have to share and what you need to keep for yourself. It’s an appropriate time to do an honest appraisal of your resources: how are you spending your time, money, and energy? Where do you need to cut back and where do you have more to give?
The lunar eclipse that happened on March 25th shook up your workplace or routines and its effects ripple throughout the rest of this eclipse season. The south node is moving through your 6th house of health and day-to-day work, calling you to let go of what isn’t working anymore. Perhaps you are really starting to understand the link between your wellbeing and work life. There’s something new stirring deep within you. It is behind the scenes and not ready to be seen yet. You’ll feel its pull and gain some clarity around the solar eclipse on the 8th, like the lights flickering on for just a second. Don’t worry about trying to figure out the whole picture yet, you’ll get more glimpses during the next eclipses.
If it feels like you are receiving a lot of criticism or your reputation is under attack this month, it’s because the two malefics, Mars and Saturn are holding court in your 10th house of your reputation and long term projects. This tension comes to a head on the 10th when they conjoin when you can expect delays, frustration, last minute pivots, and an unclear path forward. Yes, it will test your patience and you also have a secret superpower: adaptability. Use it! The full moon on the 23rd highlights your steadfast emotional commitment to the work that you do and will again test your patience.
The Aries solar eclipse on the 8th puts your career and life’s calling into warp speed. The north node has been moving through this part of your chart since July but this is the first eclipse that is happening in Aries since then. The north node is sometimes referred to as the “head of the dragon,” it is the hungry dragon’s mouth that is focused on devouring all it can. If you’ve been feeling stuck or stagnant in this part of your life, that is about to change! The magic of eclipses is that all you need to do is recognize the opportunity when it presents itself and go for it. They’re usually pretty obvious and you are quite attuned to nuance so I don’t think you’ll miss it.
Every year during Taurus season, the Sun lights up your 10th house and bathes your life’s Work in radiant beams. You can look forward to that annual solar blessing starting on the 19th and this year you get a bonus blessing! The next day on the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus join forces for the first and only time during their sojourns through the sign of Taurus. Uranus has been here shaking things up since 2018/2019 and Jupiter has been expanding this arena since May last year. When they come together, they amplify each other’s qualities creating the potential for a beneficial disruption or discovery. Whatever changes you initiate or enact around this time could have a real lasting and monumental impact.
Your ruling planet Mercury spends most of the month retrograde and retracing its steps until the 25th. That means miscommunications, scheduling snafus, and technology malfunctions are highly likely to make some unpleasant guest appearances in your public facing life’s Work. As someone who is process oriented and focused on things going smoothly, this can be a challenging time of year for you. Yes, it is helpful to double check everything before it goes out and also Mercury retrograde is about releasing control instead of doubling down on it. Sometimes mistakes actually prove to be beneficial, even necessary to get where you want to go. Trust the journey. There’s so much you can’t see or know in the present moment about what’s to come.
April focuses your attention on relationships - both close personal relationships, and those with your coworkers or employees. The Aries solar eclipse on the 8th initiates a new cycle in one or more of your one-on-one relationships by presenting you with an opportunity to take up space and advocate for yourself. As someone who is more inclined to act in the interest of others, you are prone to harboring resentments when you don’t speak up for your own needs. While that unfolds in your personal life, at work a frustrating tension or stalemate comes to a head around the 10th when Mars, the planet of ambition, and Saturn, the planet of limitation, come together in Pisces. Look to Venus, also in Pisces, to diffuse the tension and come up with a creative solution. Mars and Saturn think it is “all or nothing" and Venus knows the way out of that mental trap is to share because dichotomies make everyone a loser.
Your to-do list is growing faster than you can keep up with it, or at least that’s how it feels this month. Urgency is usually the name of the game for you when it comes to the administrative tasks of work and life in general. However, with Mercury’s retrograde happening at the same as the solar eclipse, speeding through everything actually adds more work when you inevitably make a mistake and have to redo it. Just expect that to happen this month and when it does, watch the self talk in the aftermath. Are you berating yourself for messing up or blaming others? This causes more pain than the mistake itself and can be avoided. Acceptance, and maybe some humor can help change your perspective.
Despite your spontaneous proclivities, you really thrive with daily routines and structure both in your personal life and at work. Uranus has been disrupting your routines off and on for the last five years, hopefully bringing you closer and closer to a daily sustainable pace that is grounding and also has room for some unstructured exploration and play. If something still feels not quite right in your day-to-day, the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on the 20th is an opportune moment to refine or add something new to the line up of daily tasks. Whatever you start around this time will have a lasting impact if you can keep at it.
It’s a busy and chaotic scene at home and with your family this month as the solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde both happen in that part of your chart. These issues consume your attention and understandably also impact how you show up at work. Mercury rules the part of your chart associated with administrative tasks and routines so it’s retrograde will also be felt in day-to-day mishaps and glitches. You pride yourself on having it together, or at least appearing that way, so these snafus can chip away at that pride. If you can remember that you didn’t cause it and you can’t control it, you’ll have a much better attitude and feel more grace this month.
Money tends to flow in and out of your life like water, perhaps so smoothly you don’t give much thought to it. In fact, it’s not ever really “yours” but rather you are a temporary guardian and steward of these resources. Saturn has been bringing your awareness to this flow in a way that feels tightening and invites feelings of scarcity. That intensifies this month on the 10th when Mars joins Saturn and the flow seems to stop all together. This of course will pass but in the meantime, what can you learn about trusting the flow? The full moon on the 23rd spotlights your Work in the world, so soak up all that attention and accolades! You’ve certainly earned it after the last couple of years.
The last two eclipses have brought your awareness to the resources you share with others and now it’s time to focus on what’s yours. The solar eclipse on the 8th is an invitation to explore the “shadows” you have around money. What messages did you grow up with both at home and in the media? How do these messages impact you today? Is money something you resent or covet? Is it for fun or emergencies or is it the root of evil? Uncovering what’s hiding in the shadows will free you to change your relationship to money because it no longer will have unconscious control over you. It’s not easy work, but you’ll love the freedom it brings.