March Horoscopes

“Don’t wait any longer. Dive in the ocean, leave and let the sea be you.”  – Rumi

I write to you a mere 24 hours after the source of light and life (Sun), the messenger (Mercury), and the keeper of time (Saturn) convened a meeting at the bottom of the sea - or, astrologically speaking, a double cazimi in Pisces. The deep ocean is very foreign and downright hostile to us land dwellers. The spectrum of light becomes increasingly monochromatic until it disappears, sounds travel differently, and the pressure is so intense it would crush our otherwise sturdy and enduring bones. 

This is the place where Pisces thrives and draws its energy. Where one must rely on other senses and modes of communication because information is felt as much or more than it is seen or heard. Really, it would be easier and more appropriate for me to dance this newsletter for you. To convey what I’ve been feeling personally and collectively - grief, heartbreak, and overwhelm. Words so overused lately that they risk losing their meaning and impact. But art hits different so pay attention to the art, music, poetry etc. you experience and/or create this month - what does it stir in you? This will be especially relevant after the 11th when Venus, the planet of beauty, arrives at her exaltation in Pisces. 

If it feels like things are exceptionally heavy right now, it’s cuz they are. This is the first full Pisces season where Saturn, the leaden planet of consequence and duty, has been in Pisces the whole time. It joined the Pisces puddle party mid March 2023 and missed meeting the Sun. Now, with Saturn in the beginning and Neptune at the end of Pisces, every planet swimming through this sign must first pass through the gates of Responsibility and then Surrender. Being between these gates feels like being between a rock and a hard place. Saturn, the rock, forces us to reckon with reality while Neptune, the hard place, has us questioning reality and demanding a leap of faith into the unknown. And this is exactly where the Pisces new moon happens on 3/10. Think of it as an opportunity to examine your anchors - what is keeping you safely in place and what is holding you back? Ask Saturn to fortify what’s needed and call on Neptune’s dissolution superpower to erode what is not.

The second half of March has an anything-can-happen, chaotic, in your face, spicy flavor to it. Aries season starts on the 19th and the first eclipse of 2024 falls on the 25th, a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Libra and Aries. The transition between Pisces and Aries season is the most stark and dramatic in my opinion, like getting startled awake from a cinematic dream to a bugle signaling the start of battle. Winter is over and there is so much to experience out in the world! Eclipses shake shit up.


Here’s your ‘scopes!

Written for your rising sign, you can read for any of your placements.

I’ve also included a prompt or idea for an art project to help you engage with the Piscean depths this month. If you feel comfortable sharing, I’d love to see what you create!


While everyone else feels lost at sea, you are so in your element this month! As you get clearer on who you are and what you have to offer, Aries season invites you to look more closely at that offer. Are you valuing yourself appropriately? If you can’t tell, start with a random number then ask yourself - higher, lower, or just right and follow your fishy intuition. 

Art prompt: if you could design your own currency or barter system, what would it look like?


You know how to get it done fast, that’s easy for you. Much of this month invites you to slow down which can be supremely uncomfortable. Running in the ocean requires so much more effort than floating. Relax and let yourself float for awhile. Let’s see where you end up. 

Art prompt: Make or draw a mask for an aspect of yourself that you wish people saw more often. 


Most of the month has you soaking up your friends’ sweet vibes and getting in the streets to make noise about a cause that hurts your heart. Grieving in community, taking turns to hold each other is so necessary and you’re here for it. The eclipse on the 25th unfolds the next chapter in a saga that began in your day-to-day work in October. This story won’t conclude until October of next year. 

Art prompt: Make a mini altar or something beautiful to gaze upon at your desk/workspace. 


The Pisces new moon is your annual opportunity to make a wish for where you’d like to see yourself a year from now. Who are you working with, what are others saying about your accomplishments? What impact have you had? Name it, call it into being and then release it.

Art prompt: Decorate a wish box or bottle where you keep all of these wishes. You may choose to read them at the Pisces full moon in September. 


Your Work in the world (as opposed to day-to-day work) starts to gain momentum towards the end of the month because people are talking about what you do well. This hype and attention might be uncomfortable at first, but you can let your Work speak for itself while still staying safe in your crab shell. 

Art prompt: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Draw, collage, write a poem, dance it. 


Long ago before capitalism people understood that debt builds trust in community because there is the ongoing guarantee of reciprocity. This month invites you to look at your social debts and check in with those you “owe” and who “owe” you. Time to call in some favors and also pay it forward.

Art prompt: Make your own version of the tarot Death card. How would depict this sacred and mysterious rite of passage? 


The lunar eclipse on the 25th unfolds the next chapter in a financial saga that began in October. If there’s something related to your assets you’ve been avoiding or wondering how it will get done, this is a powerful moment to make meaningful traction. Eclipses usually present the window of opportunity, all you have to do is recognize it and take action. 

Art prompt: Learn how to do origami with money. Transform your currency with diligence and creativity. 


Your day-to-day work and coworkers feel extra demanding at times this month. But there’s also a sweetness there that starts to emerge starting on the 11th. Use the new moon on the 10th to direct that sweetness where you need it most so that it knows exactly where to go.

Art prompt: Stare in the mirror and draw or paint your self portrait without looking at the paper. 


You’ve been getting really serious about play and fun this past year. How can you bring some of what you’ve learned to your workplace? Can you be just as playful about serious matters? This shift in your energetic approach to work will help you navigate the coming eclipses.

Art prompt: Start a project that you add a little bit to every single day this month - collage, fiber art, drawing, writing etc. 


Work and day-to-day work take a backseat to family matters this month and that’s ok, roll with it. There are some gems hidden here in the proverbial attic or basement of your lineage. Gather them up, they may actually prove useful to you someday in your Work. 

Art prompt: Instead of a family tree, draw a family anchor. Who grounds you and who weighs you down?


The next chapter in the Libra lunar eclipse saga unfolds in your 10th house of reputation and legacy on March 25th. This saga started in October of last year and will conclude in October 2025. As you reflect on the impact your Work has on the world, the specific relationships you’ve built and relied on to get to this point come to the forefront. 

Art prompt: Write a letter or draw a picture explaining what you do now to your 5 year old self.


Money is energy and energy needs to flow or else it stagnates. You understand this on an intuitive level but this month encourage you to examine how you practice that. Where are your financial tributaries flowing and are they well sourced?

Art prompt: Deface the currency in your wallet. It can be silly or you can write a lesson that you wish you’d learned about money.


April Horoscopes


February Horoscopes