February Horoscopes

Today in the Northern Hemisphere many are celebrating Imbolc, a Celtic and modern pagan holiday that marks the halfway point between Winter and Spring. The word imbolc is Gaelic and means “in the belly,” a reference to the pregnant ewes whose lambs will arrive around springtide. Some scholars also link the word to an Old Irish term folcaim which means to wash or cleanse oneself. Such is the energy of this time of year - anticipation and preparation for the new life that is coming when the Spring equinox arrives in just six short weeks. 

What newness are you growing and nurturing? Where do you need to do some “spring cleaning” and cleanse any lingering residue from 2023? If you don't know the answers to these questions, that’s ok. We are indeed still in the quiet, introspective vibes of winter and there is time to feel into what’s coming.

As I shift my focus to Vocational Astrology, this newsletter and the horoscopes will also shift to align with that purpose. Each month, I will speak to the transits from a Vocational Astrology perspective. I imagine these horoscopes as a compass, something to guide you and remind you of your values - your True North, and to empower to you make decisions that lead you in that direction. 


This is your season my friend! As uncomfortable it can be for you to be in the spotlight, think of this time as an opportunity for you to shine a light on what’s most important to you. This month features a rare triple conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn meeting up at 9 degrees of Pisces on the 28th. Think of it as your vitality, intellect, and discipline holding a conference in the part of your chart that relates to your resources, both material and internal. As someone who is usually quite unbothered with tracking material things and very generous, this is a moment to do a spot check on the flow of giving and receiving in your life. Where are you giving beyond your capacity? How can you clarify your message to better meet your needs? Is there an energetic leak or drain in your life? The answers to these questions could be uncomfortable to face. Saturn’s presence in Pisces for the next year and a half will give you the fortitude to strengthen your energetic container so that you can continue to be generous without leaving yourself dry and drained. 


It’s a quiet month on the Vocational front for you but there is a lot stirring behind the scenes. For most of the month, your 12th house is very full with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto all making their way through your unconscious. When planets move through the 12th house, their energy can feel distant or invisible. If you feel more withdrawn than usual, that’s ok. Planets moving through the 12th invite isolation. There’s important work to be done here too in the unseen realm. Pay attention to your sleeping dreams and daydreams this month, that’s where you will find what feels like its missing. 


The Virgo full moon on the 24th brings the culmination and release of a work project or situation that started 6 months ago around the Virgo new moon on September 14th. Full moons heighten awareness and bring an emotional spotlight wherever they happen. How do you feel about what has transpired during these 6 months? Are you ready to move on and start focusing your attention on the next task? Can you take a moment to celebrate any wins that happened along the way? It could be that the full moon will amplify a situation and bring your attention to some details that you may have missed or purposely neglected but need to be addressed. 


Your Work in the world is getting a lot of attention this month as five planets make their way through Aquarius and the part of your chart that relates to reputation. The new moon on the 9th provides an opportunity for you to plant the seeds and set intentions for what you’d like to see happen over the next 6 months until the Aquarius full moon on August 19th. You have big dreams and visions for the world, what role do you want to play in those visions? What do you want your legacy to be? Not really one to be in the limelight, it’s ok to redirect the attention you get this month back onto the issues you care about and the Work itself. Why is it Work and not work? Because it takes a lifetime and is much bigger than any individual and you know that. Keep at it. 


It’s time to get serious and focus your message. February features a rare triple conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn meeting up at 9 degrees of Pisces on the 28th. This happens in the part of your chart that relates to your reputation and bigger picture Work in the world. Saturn has already been here cleaning house since March 2023, asking you the tough questions like “What am I here to do? Am I doing that or taking steps towards doing it?” When the Sun and Mercury come along, it is a chance to practice speaking the answers to these questions out loud to others. Being witnessed creates accountability. But that doesn’t mean it’s set in stone and you can’t change your mind later. Your mutable nature is meant to bend and change shape and you can still honor the shape of this moment by being seen. 


This month is quieter for you on the vocational and work front. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of action to come in the spring once eclipse season starts. But for now, the astrology of February invites you to take stock of your collaborations and debts. Who do you feel indebted to? Does anyone owe you something? You take your close relationships very seriously and while they aren’t transactional per se, you are aware of the energetic give and take that happens between people. The new moon on the 9th brings you the opportunity to set an intention for this shared part of your life. Who would you like to start collaborating with? How do you want to show up in these shared spaces? 


The Virgo full moon casts a spotlight on your resources, both material and internal, this month on the 24th. It is in your nature to be very generous and giving with others once trust has been established. However, you tend to be more meticulous or stingy with yourself. Why is that? Full Moons bring an opportunity to recognize and release and this particular one amplifies your emotional patterns around money. Examine your attitudes and beliefs about money by finishing the sentence “Money is….” over and over in writing for 5 minutes. Then read it over and decide, which of these beliefs about money are you ready to let go of? 


There is a lot of action happening in your day-to-day work life and routines this month. Conflicts and power struggles may arise as Mars and Pluto meetup around the 13th and 14th. If you can stay out of it, great. If not, see if there is a way to share or reimagine power as these two planet are in Aquarius, the sign of the collective and invention. The Aquarius new moon on the 9th provides you with an opportunity to set an intention for how’d you like to relate to your mundane work tasks for the next 6 months until the Aquarius full moon on August 18th. Is there a new time management system or work routine that you’ve been meaning to try out? The turbulence this month will make it clear what needs to change. 


This month your day-to-day work life requires your full presence and Saturn has been challenging you to find routines that you can stick to since last March. On the 28th there is a rare triple conjunction when the Sun and Mercury join up with Saturn, asking you to further commit to these routines by naming them. Write them down. Speak them aloud. Form boundaries around these routines. The minutes you spend each day on yourself eventually add up to a new You. Saturn plays the long game and knows this is the secret to lasting change. 


Your work and vocation are not where most of the action this month takes place. Instead, there is a lot going on behind the scenes in your home life as five planets move through Aquarius and your 4th house. It feels like everything needs to be rearranged, like the amount of space has changed even if you haven’t moved. Things just *feel* smaller. This cramped feeling could spillover into conflict as Mars and Pluto meetup around the 13th and 14th. Honestly, if you’re someone who wants to do anything for Valentine’s Day, I would wait a week until the 21st. Troubles at home can certainly impact how you are showing up for your responsibilities out in the world. It’s ok to take a step back if you need to. 


It’s time to step into the spotlight and recognize how far you’ve come in the last six months. The Virgo full moon on the 24th illuminates the most visible part of your chart, the 10th house associated with reputation and your Calling. What meaningful steps have you taken since the Virgo new moon on September 14th? Instead of focusing on how far you still have to go, look at how far you’ve come! Full moons are also an excellent moment to assess what isn’t quite working because no longer fits your vision and start letting those things go. This will free up your energy to focus on what really matters and is ready to grow. 


The focus this month is on your resources, both material and internal, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto (!) share space in your 2nd house. Pluto’s 20 year journey through this part of your chart is just beginning and will revolutionize your ideas around money and ownership. The new moon on the 9th is an excellent moment to lean into this unfolding process by setting intentions for how you’d like to change your relationship to your belongings. One way you can do this is to examine your attitudes and beliefs about money by finishing the sentence “Money is….” over and over in writing for 5 minutes. Then read it over and pick one or two phrases to make into affirmations. 


March Horoscopes


January Horoscopes